One Step Closer
My wife is amazing! No, I am not just saying that for brownie points. Though I will graciously accept any that come my way. Stephanie has worked so hard to bring home little Amber Joy. Between work and school, I have been able to devote very little time to adoption details. Steph has been an awesome task master. She has done everything from organizing baby clothes, to stacking diapers, to driving our paperwork to Atlanta. Words cannot express how appreciative I am for her hard work in bringing home our little girl. I know that one day Amber Joy will as well. So last Friday, Steph drove our paperwork to Atlanta to be verified, stamped and otherwise certified by the TECO office (enter fancy name for embassy). They promised a 3-5 day turn-around, but had it done on Monday. Steph's cousin Catie works a few blocks from the TECO office and was able to pickup the paperwork and FedEx it to Taiwan for us. We have tracked it and verified that it is in Taiwan, but we cannot track it past th