The Fun Part!

Today, I finally let myself get caught up in some of the fun of preparing for a baby!  Since the paperwork is finished and turned in, it's exciting to turn our attention to getting the nursery ready and exploring Babies-R-Us.  :)  After work, mom and I went to Target to start the registry!  I can't get over how many baby items are out there.  It's insane!  So, I decided to attach pictures of some of our favorite baby bedding sets to this blog and see if any of you have a vote.  Not saying we'll choose what you choose, but if you have an opinion one way or another, please let me know in a comment.  Keep in mind that we have to choose a set that would work for a boy or a girl.  We will be taking photos of the nursery to go into our profile book that is shown to the birth mothers.

So, can you tell that we like animals? 

Tomorrow, I'm going with "Aunt" Brittany and "Aunt" Candyce to Babies-R-Us and probably Target again so that my friends who have had babies recently can tell me to be sure to get certain things and not to bother with others. 

Yesterday, we found out that we will have our first adoption interview with the Bethany staff on April 28!  This is exciting news as it means we are moving forward in the process.  My hope is that our home study will be approved by early summer and we will be waiting for our phone call that our baby is coming home.

Until then, we continue to pray, journal, and now, register!  Today, I bought a baby blanket to sleep with.  The folks at Bethany suggested it so that our scent starts to get onto the blanket and then when the baby comes home, we use the blanket to soothe him/her and reinforce the attachment to us.  I loved that idea, so starting tonight, I'm sleeping with a blanky!  :)

In other news, we're still trying to find a home for our sweet Bagel (beagle/bassett hound), Becky.  She needs a fenced in yard and a family who will be able to provide her plenty of exercise and lots of love.  We are sad about giving her up, but feel it is the best thing for our family.  If you or someone you know would like to meet her, we would love to introduce you! 

Don't forget, I need handwritten notes or cards to the Miller baby for the Lifebook we are starting.  You can mail them to us, just send me a private message or comment.  Every part of this journey is part of our baby's story and we will want to share it with him/her.  You are all part of the story and we cherish your support so much.

(Picture from the Target shopping trip!)


  1. So much fun, miss those day's. If you ever need someone to tag along I would love too.

  2. Oh and the poke a dots bedding get my vote <3

  3. I think the turtles are AWESOME!!! All of them are cute, but the turtles go with your fundraiser and what a cool way to continue that. I would totally be willing to come help you paint the room like that :)

  4. I am partial to all of the turtles, but especially the one with the light blue. This is so exciting!

  5. I love that last bedding. It is simple yet elegant.

    So excited for you. I can't believe how much stuff is out there too!


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