Here come the Holidays

I can't believe it's been nearly a year since we sent our first e-mail requesting information from Bethany on domestic adoption.  This year has been full of so many changes for us as we prepare to expand our family.  We were talking just today about how we didn't know when we started dating five years ago that it would still be just the two of us this far down the road in our marriage.  But now, we're learning to appreciate that we've had the time to really get to know each other and become true partners.  I told Justin that it took what seemed like forever for me to find him (or for him to find me), that when our baby does come home, hopefully I will feel the same way: thankful for the time we had to wait because it makes the fulfillment that much sweeter.  We haven't had a referral since the last out of state (we don't know when our profile is being shown in Tennessee) and we're glad for the reprieve.  The last referral was so emotional, it's been nice to put it aside for awhile and just go on with life.  We enjoyed a fantastic trip to Disney with my parents to celebrate my dad's 60th birthday, and I got the chance to visit the new Harry Potter area at Universal's Islands of Adventure!  Anybody who knows me knows that I LOVE Harry Potter!  We're thankful that we were able to take this trip and look forward to the day that we get to go back with the little one. 

This week, I submitted an initial application to Show Hope to join one of their mission trips to China.  Not sure that is in the plan for 2011, but if there is one thing we have learned this year, it is the fact that you can't put life on hold, just waiting for what comes next.  If you do, you miss a lot!  I've been challenging myself to be in the moment as fully as possible and to enjoy the little things.  We are planning to spend Christmas with Justin's dad, since we haven't been with him on Christmas day since we got married.  We are looking forward to spending time with him. 

I must admit that I had hoped we would have some little eyes looking at the lights on the tree this year.  But we will continue to hope and pray and enjoy the season with family and friends.  I bought a stocking that will be filled with gifts for the baby and will be his or hers for years to come.  We received a gift from a co-worker of mine.  It was "A Charlie Brown Christmas" book with sounds.  On the adoptionbug website that we use to sell our fundraiser t-shirts, there are "born in our hearts" ornaments for the tree for parents whose child has not come home yet.  I would much rather buy the one that says "baby's first Christmas," but one day soon, we will find one that will be perfect for next year's tree...


  1. Oh so true (about having "more time" to learn to know your spouse. Thanks for sharing your thoughts! Love you my friend!

  2. Praying with you! You are gonna be FABULOUS parents!


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