These days

I have little scraps of paper all over my house with blog post ideas. One day maybe I'll get to writing some of those, but for tonight, my mind is all over the place and I just need to get some stuff down on (virtual) paper.

What I'm learning...

I can only control myself. I cannot control my husband, my child, OR God. This is becoming quite evident, and the more I realize it, the more peace I have. Control is rooted in fear and fear is the enemy of peace.

One day, or even a series of days when my child is four years old does not make up the bulk of her entire childhood. I do not have to mourn at the end of each day if it is not spectacular.

It is not my job to entertain anyone or keep anyone happy. Sounds simple, right?

One of the sweetest sounds I've ever heard is my four year old singing "'Tis so Sweet to Trust in Jesus." I learn more from her every single day.

Realizing the Spirit is working on me to bring about its fruit is tough. But actually having the fruits is so life-giving. Love. Joy. Peace. Patience. Kindness. Goodness. Faithfulness. Gentleness. Self-control.

A marriage doesn't just happen. It takes intentional intentionality. And sometimes, you have to really dig to figure out what that means.

It's hard to make friends the older you get. History in friendship is something only time can provide.

My parents are the wisest people I know. Just in time for my four year old to begin her belief that I know absolutely nothing.

I need to work on dreaming again. I haven't done that in awhile.

We can accomplish more with kindness and compassion than with anger and bitterness.

When my day starts with prayer, it's just better.

Our world is scary, but our God is bigger.

I love my Refit class.

Neighbors are fun.

Living in another country for awhile is definitely on my bucket list.

So, what are you learning?


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